
中文翻译问题 Chinese translation error

andrewdu4870 opened this issue · 3 comments

Expected Behavior

when I close gephi, it asks me whether to save or not save or cancel. when the language is Chinese, it should be 保存、不保存、取消

Current Behavior

when I close gephi, it asks 保存、bubaocun、取消

Possible Solution

change the text

Steps to Reproduce

  1. load a project
  2. change the Font size
  3. close the window


Your Environment

  • Version used: Gephi 0.10.1
  • Operating System:

Duplicate with #2680 #2862

Why you still can see this?
——because Gephi haven't build and release new binary for years. It already been fix in translation files.



There also another error in 想保存程序吗?字体大小="-2">如果不保存修改,信息将会丢失。 and

and they were also fixed