
Some COBOL stuff just for fun (a weird kind of fun).

Primary LanguageCOBOL

COBOL Learning

Here I will put my COBOL stuff while learning. Yes, you read it right, I said COBOL.

You say why and I say why not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

Sometimes I like to code/learn/do weird stuff.

I have done a little bit of COBOL in the past but I remember almost nothing, so here I am remembering it just for fun.

My Setup

I am working on OSX Sierra and I installed cobol with brew:

brew install gnu-cobol


For compiling this examples you can use:

cobc -x -free hello.cob

Running it


The output should be:

Hello World!

Some help

I am reading this GNU COBOL 2.0 Programmers Guide and of course, using Google too.