
A proxy-pass server for koa

Primary LanguageJavaScript


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A proxy-pass server for koa.


$ npm install koa-proxypass


const koa = require('koa')
const proxy = require('koa-proxypass')

const app = koa()

  upstreams: [{
    match: {
      host: 'localhost',
    children: [{
      match: {
        path: /^\/api\//,
      target: 'http://gerald.top',
      path: '',


There is one parameter options for proxy. options has attributes below:

  • upstreams

    an array of upstream rules, each rule may have attributes below:

    • match: Object | Function (param request)

      The object will be tested for each key-value pairs, and return true if all matched. Each value can be an RegExp or Function (param *responding-value*) for smart test or Any for exact match.

      The function will have the request object with method, path, header attributes as the only parameter.

    • children: Array

      An array of children upstreams

    • target: String

      The target server composed of scheme and host, including port.

    • path: String | Function

      If provided, the matched path will be replaced with it.

    • changeOrigin: Boolean

      Whether host should be updated to the target upstream, passed to http-proxy.

    • secure: Boolean

      Whether SSL certificate should be verified for upstream.