
Node.JS app that uses stripe to make an online piggy bank

Primary LanguageCSS



Piggy-Bank, an online piggy bank money saving application.

Technologies Used

1. Node.JS

3. Passport.JS

4. Express

5. MongoDB

6. Stripe


  1. [Stripe] (https://stripe.com/docs), a platform for moving money.

  2. Passport.JS is a JS library that let's you authenticate users (signup/login).

  3. Express is an MVC manager (kind of like Rails to Ruby) that lets you organize your node projects.

  4. Node is the programming language we're working with obviously.

  5. MongoDB is a platform for databases (used to build our user database!).

Install node.JS with Homebrew:

brew install node

If brew doesn't work with your OS try:

git clone git://github.com/ry/node.git

cd node
sudo make install

Everything else can be installed by cloning this repository and running:

sudo npm install 

Usage / Features

######Piggy-Bank is a node application with the following features so far:

  1. Beautiful designs from Bootstrap.

  2. Sign up and store your name, username, email, and password.

  3. Sign in functionality with personal dashboard.


  1. Use Stripe to be able to deposit money onto your profile. NOTE: Stripe and works but with minimal functionality. Must make charge amount customizable now.

Installation / Development

Clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/geracam/Piggy-Bank.git

Start node server:

node app.js


Huge thanks to all the articles about Node.js that people wrote. Too many to list but it's a fairly new language and it's awesome that people take the time to explain it for others.

About Me

Questions? Email geracam@mit.edu.

Too many people spend money they earned..to buy things they don’t want..to impress people that they don’t like. –Will Rogers

