This repository contains Chocolatey packaging metadata for some software required to develop Wireshark on Windows. It currently contains:
Apache FOP.
libxslt, which provides xsltproc.
A DocBook XML and XSL bundle.
to the desired package directory. -
Set the desired package version in 'package.nuspec' and 'tools\chocolateyinstall.ps1'.
Run the following commands:
# Create the package > cd c:\to\this\directory > powershell ..\create-nupkg.ps1 # Test the package. You'll probably have to run this as administrator. > choco install .\<package>.x.y.z.nupkg -dv -s . > where <binary> > <binary> ...other test commands # Log into and copy your API key. # (This assumes you don't have a key set in your Chocolatey config.) # Push the package to > choco push --api-key=your-api-key <package>.x.y.z.nupkg