
Wordpress plugin for mapping hate crimes: Datatable

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Wordpress plugin for mapping hate crimes: Datatable

This plugin adds a data table for showing hate crimes to Wordpress and depends on Wordpress plugin Hate Crime. Actually it's used for mapping hate crimes in Spain at https://crimenesdeodio.info.

The tables are based on DataTables and allow searching and filtering of all the registers.

It's also possible to show the map without Wordpress using the included index.html file and making reference to a custom json data source.

There is a live version of the json file for every supported language:

See related resources:

  1. Wordpress plugin for mapping hate crimes: Custom post type Hate Crime
  2. Wordpress plugin for mapping hate crimes: Leaflet map
  3. Wordpress plugin for mapping hate crimes: Datatable
  4. Wordpress Nirvana child theme for mapping hate crimes