
A twitter streaming, website-scraping, websocket-transporting news delivery webapp written in Go

Primary LanguageGo


A twitter streaming, website-scraping, websocket-transporting news delivery webapp written in Go and Javascript1


These docs are shitty. They are also new, and will be less shitty very soon.

$ git clone https://github.com/anaxagoras/newsbot.git
$ cd wherever/you/just/put/that
$ go build


$ ./newsbot


The bot is configured by the newsbot.conf file, which is written in my subset of TOML, which supports raw strings (for the regexes). I may yet fork this into a new format in its own right or just bring back TOML once the spec provides similar functionality.

A sample, seen below has been provided in newsbot.conf.example, which you'll need to edit and rename to newsbot.conf to get it to work. It should be pretty self explanatory if you know what you're doing. If not, I'll document it later, I promise. It's not that hard.

Port = ":8080"
LogLevel = "debug"
# Twitter auth settings
User = "yourusername"
ConsumerKey = "<consumer key here>"
ConsumerSecret = "<consumer secret here>"
OAuthToken = "<OAuth token here>"
OAuthSecret = "<OAuth secret here>"

# Twitter users to follow
Users = [
    1652541,   # @Reuters
    51241574,  # @AP
    18424289,  # @AJELive
    5402612,   # @BBCBreaking
    742143,    # @BBCWorld
    362051343, # @breakingstorm
    1068831    # @slashdot

# Keywords are temporarily unsupported in order to keep the bandwidth down and
# because the message culling algorithm currently ignores them.
#Keywords = [
#    "#YOLO",

name = "Mysite"
# Located in /static
icon = "mysite.png"
# Pull it every 5 seconds
interval = 5
url = "http://www.my.great.site"
# We want any anchor of class "story" directly underneath things of class 'article'
target = ".article > a.story"
# We don't want any links whose text starts with "Catpics"
excluder = `^Catpics`
# This site always puts a link prefix for tracking. We don't want that.
modifier = `http://links.my.great.site.com/\d+/`


NewsBot "works" in the loosest sense only at the moment. Links are delivered via webscraped stories, but not rendered. Twitter links are rendered, but not extracted. The "UI" is laughably bad because it was the least important bit until just now. So, yeah, I have a few things to work on, but now that the first completely-unified and working version is published, work will progress rapidly. In fact, I'll be surprised if anyone even sees this for very long.

  • Integrate RSS feeds
  • Port the Twitter interface to use twitterstream
  • Fix twitter link extraction, and delivery to the UI
  • Make the UI do anything other than completely suck
  • Let users see how many users are logged in (and their "names")
  • Add chat so the users can talk to each other
  • Port the UI to Dart. As long as you're using one new-hotness language, why not use two? This will be the final stage of the project and the most radical change.

1: Soon to be Dart