
Experimental compiler for go

Primary LanguageGo


Ogo is an experimental go compiler. It is written in go, and compiles go to C, and invokes a C compiler to compile that. It is not close to complete, and may never be. Its primary goal is not to be a good (or complete) go compiler, but to be a platform for experimentation with extensions to the go language.

Ogo is also intended to be the name of a temporary language, which will have some degree of generics support. This language has yet to be defined. It is intended to be "temporary" in the sense that I expect that either its ideas will be incorporated into go itself, or it will be abandoned eventually. Until either of those happen, it will need a separate name to distinguish ogo programs (with generics) from go programs.

The design structure is to implement ogo primarily as a series of go-to-go AST transformations, labeled (g2g) below. Thus the C pretty printer (and type checker, etc) will only need to handle a simpler subset of the language.


  1. Parse go files (easy---use standard go/parser)

  2. (g2g) Track go imports and combine into a single main file (reasonably easy). This simplifies the transformations considerably. It's never going to be a fast way to compile things, but we've already got a fast go compiler.

To Do

In the following to-do list, some of the tasks require that others be done first, but I haven't tabulated dependencies. Many (particularly of the g2g variety) can be implemented independently.

  1. Finish C pretty printer using the ordinary go AST, with a subset of the go syntax.

  2. (g2g) Eliminate if foo := bar(); foo idiom.

  3. (g2g) Eliminate for a:=b; a<N; a++ idiom in favor of while-loop for statements.

  4. (g2g) Eliminate range statements over slices in for loops in favor of explicit indexing and checking the length.

  5. (g2g) Implement type checker, producing a map holding types of every expression in the program.

  6. (g2g) Add type casts to literals, e.g. transforming 0 into int(0), etc.

  7. (g2g) Add type signatures to every var statement.

  8. (g2g) Eliminate the := operator in favor of var statements with types.

  9. (g2g) Eliminate & operator on local variables directly, changing said local variables into pointer allocated with new.

  10. Implement string type

  11. (g2g) Change multiple return to return a single struct type

  12. Use Boehm garbage collector

  13. Implement type as a builtin data type, and implement new in the ogo language using this as its argument. In C, type will be a struct type, that will hold the size of the type, its name, and eventually a bunch of pointers to its methods, equal to NULL if the method hasn't been defined (so we can examine this to figure out interfaces it satisfies).

  14. Implement make in ogo

  15. Implement copy in ogo

  16. Implement append in ogo

  17. Implement slices

  18. Implement interfaces

  19. (g2g) Transform interfaces than incorporate other interfaces into simple flat interfaces (basically just copying over the methods).

  20. (g2g) Make all type-casting explicit, i.e. insert a type cast when a concrete type is passed to an interface argument of a function or method.

Maybe To Do Some Day

These are items that would be required to make ogo a valid Go1 compiler, that I don't have plans to implement (ever). If they interest you, however, you could work on them.

  1. Implement map

  2. Implement goroutines

  3. Implement chan

  4. Precise garbage collection

  5. Implement defer

  6. Implement recover

  7. Implement reflect

  8. Implement nested struct types