
Redux compatible API for Logux

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Logux Redux

Logux is a client-server communication protocol. It synchronizes action between clients and server logs.

This library provides Redux compatible API.


npm install --save logux-redux


Create Redux store by createLoguxCreator. It returns original Redux createStore function with Logux inside

-import { createStore } from 'redux'
+import createLoguxCreator from 'logux-redux/create-logux-creator'

+const createStore = createLoguxCreator({
+  subprotocol: '1.0.0',
+  server: 'wss://localhost:1337',
+  userId: 10

function reducer (state, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
    case 'INC':
      return { value: state.value + 1 }
      return state

const preloadedState = { value: 0 }

const store = createStore( reducer, preloadedState, enhancer )


See also Logux Status for UX best practices.

Sponsored by Evil Martians


Instead of Redux, in Logux Redux you have 4 ways to dispatch action:

  • store.dispatch(action) is legacy API. Try to avoid it since you can’t specify how clean this actions.
  • store.dispatch.local(action, meta) — action will be visible only to current browser tab.
  • store.dispatch.crossTab(action, meta) — action will be visible to all browser tab.
  • store.dispatch.sync(action, meta) — action will be visible to server and all browser tabs.

In all 3 new dispatch methods you must to specify meta.reasons with array of “reasons”. It is code names of reasons, why this action should be still in the log.

  { type: 'CHANGE_NAME', name }, { reasons: ['lastName'] }

When you don’t need some actions, you can remove reasons from them:

  { type: 'CHANGE_NAME', name }, { reasons: ['lastName'] }
).then(meta => {
  store.log.removeReason('lastName', { maxAdded: meta.added - 1 })

Action with empty reasons will be removed from log.