A port of the offical Cloudinary library for angular (Cloudinary_angular) without the dependency on jquery (see Issue 18), plus two new directives: cl-background-image and cl-video (and cl-video-transformation).
$ npm install --save cloudinary-angular
Include the script in your index file
<script src="node_modules/cloudinary-angular/dist/cloudinary-angular.min.js"></script>
Configure it
angular.module('myApp', ['cloudinary']);
/* @ngInject */
function configure(CloudinaryProvider) {
cloud_name: 'your cloud name'
api_key: 'your api key'
And now you can use it
<cl-image public-id="sample" format="jpg">
<cl-transformation height="80" width="80" crop="thumb" gravity="face" radius="max" border="2px_solid_rgb:00390b60" />
You can also inject a service and use that to get the correct urls
/* @ngInject */
function Somecontroller(Cloudinary) {
var publicUrl = Cloudinary.url('sample', { format: 'jpg', height: '512', width: '1024', crop: 'limit' });
(Have a look at the sample directory to see it in action)
<!-- cl-href -->
<a cl-href="sample" format="jpg" target="_blank">Sample</a>
<!-- cl-src -->
<img cl-src="sample" height="80" width="80" format="jpg">
<!-- cl-src and cl-srcset -->
<img cl-src="sample" cl-srcset="sample 1x, sample 2x" height="80" width="80" format="jpg">
Set the following attributes on the directive:
- public-id
- format
And then add transformations on the cl-transformation directive
<cl-image public-id="sample" format="jpg">
<cl-transformation height="80" width="80" crop="thumb" gravity="face" radius="max" border="2px_solid_rgb:00390b60" />
It also supports the facebook, twitter and gravatar options, example:
<cl-image public-id="billclinton.jpg" type="facebook"></cl-image>
This directives creates a html5 video tag either with a poster specificed by your on from the public_id
<cl-video public-id="SampleVideo" preload="none" controls>
Your browser does not support the <code>video</code> element.
<cl-video-transformation height="300" width="300" crop="pad" background="blue" />
<!-- or -->
<cl-video public-id="SampleVideo" poster="http://res.cloudinary.com/dklsomzcw/image/upload/h_300,w_300/sample.jpg" preload="none" controls>
Your browser does not support the <code>video</code> element.
<cl-video-transformation height="300" width="300" crop="pad" background="blue" />
This directive makes a fullsize cover background image given a public-id.
<div class="image" cl-background-image="sample" format="jpg" crop="fill" gravity="center" quality="50"></div>
This translates to:
<div class="image" cl-background-image="sample" format="jpg" crop="fill" gravity="center" quality="50" style="background-image: url(http://res.cloudinary.com/<cloud_name>/image/upload/c_fill,g_center,q_50/sample.jpg); background-color: transparent; background-position: 50% 50%; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover"></div>
Install nodejs and the following packages globally:
- gulp
- tsd
then run:
- npm install
- tsd reinstall --save --overwrite
To build run gulp