Project for Mobile applications development This is a simple to do list app for android for my college project for 2nd year computer prgramming and software development. i created a app with 3 tabs a about tab, addtask tab and tasks tab about tab contains information on how to run the app addtask tab adds the new task and date to the tasks list tasks tab displays all the tasks on the list. it also lets the user search for the task and delete when task is complete i tried to add a check and uncheck button but when i added the search functionality it would work. the check and uncheck would change the color of the task to indicate it was done. you can see the code in commit 5 before i deleted it. hope you enjoy the app
was unable to create a apk i kept getting a error 327 when i tried to create a ionic platform add android search through the internet to find an answer redownloaded the jdk/sdk and set up the path again was told to get the latest condova download still no joy pretty much reinstalled everything again using npm and tried using blank apps to see if i could get it working but no joy i will send a screen shot of the error sorry ian grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr