
Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Solidus DHL Build Status

Solidus DHL integrate the DHL Intraship API with the solidus system.

Getting Started

To add solidus_dhl, add the following to your Gemfile.

gem 'solidus_dhl', github: 'gerardo-navarro/solidus_dhl'

Run bundle command to install. Make sure you have ruby-2.1.2 or higher set as your ruby environment.

After installing gems, you'll have to run the generators to create necessary configuration files and migrations.

bundle exec rake solidus_dhl:install:migrations

Run migrations to create the new models in the database.

bundle exec rake db:migrate

We are using Figaro which looks for ${Rails.root}/config/application.yml to inject the environment variables, e.g. dhl credentials. Add the following to the ${Rails.root}/config/application.yml (create the file if necessary).

DHL_INTRASHIP_API_USER:   'some_api_user'
DHL_INTRASHIP_USER:       'geschaeftskunden_api'
DHL_INTRASHIP_SIGNATURE:  'Dhl_ep_test12345'
DHL_INTRASHIP_EKP:        '5000000000'

Finally, start the rails server

bundle exec rails s

Go to any order in localhost:3000/admin/orders. On the right corner you will find 3 additional links that will create new shipment labels with the DHL Api.

Testing this gem

  • sh setup_test_env.sh
  • bundle exec rspec

You can look into setup_test_env.sh to see how it is tested on the CI server.