
This is a learning exercise following http://survivejs.com/webpack_react/developing_with_webpack/

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Learning Webpack + React

I am following a tutorial from http://survivejs.com/webpack_react/developing_with_webpack/

Understanding React Components

React Component Conventions

React and Flux

Implementing a Wrapper for localStorage

We're operating with localStorage directly to keep the implementation simple. An alternative would be to use localForage to hide all the complexity. You could even integrate it behind our interface.

Learn about AltContainer

AltContainer is not an idea exclusive to alt. For more information on why you should be using container components check out React.js Conf 2015 talk Making your app fast with high-performance components.

The basic idea is that you have a container that wraps your component, the duty of this container component is to handle all the data fetching and communication with the stores, it then renders the corresponding children. The sub-components just render markup and are data agnostic thus making them highly reusable.