
Docker container running Ushahidi platform 3

Primary LanguageShell


Docker container for Ushahidi Platform

"Make smart decisions with a data management system that rapidly collects data from the crowd and visualizes what happened, when and where."

note: quantumobject/docker-ushahidi container refer to version 2.7.4 that include client and platform together (old version) , for version 3 you need to deploy the ushhidi-platform (quantumobject/docker-ushahidi-platform container ) and ushhidi-platform-client (quantumobject/docker-ushahidi-platform-client container) .

Install dependencies

To install docker in Ubuntu 15.04 use the commands:

$ sudo apt-get update
$ wget -qO- https://get.docker.com/ | sh

To install docker in other operating systems check docker online documentation


To run container use the command below:

$ docker run -d -p 80 quantumobject/docker-ushahidi-platform

Accessing the Ushahidi Platform applications:

After that check with your browser at addresses plus the port assigined by docker:

  • http://host_ip:port/

To access the container from the server that the container is running :

$ docker exec -it container_id /bin/bash

note: deploy this container behind proxy with SSL :



More Info

About Ushahidi Platform: www.ushahidi.com

To help improve this container quantumobject/docker-ushahidi-platform

For additional info about us and our projects check our site www.quantumobject.org