- 4
Issue: 0x80070005 Access denied for winget commands after usage of gsudo (owner of folder %localappdata%\Temp\WinGet is changed to the used admin account)
#376 opened by coka4you - 6
- 11
Feature Request: Gsudo program icon to display in UAC?
#371 opened by e-t-l - 0
Issue: --chdir switch with space in the path
#381 opened by TinyVanessa - 1
Issue: Sophos AV blocks gsudo
#347 opened by bh-chwo - 0
Issue: Backslashes at end of command, in Powershell, cause gsudo to silently fail
#380 opened by PitchBlackNights - 0
Feature Request: passwords over stdin
#378 opened by phr34k - 2
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 1
- 0
- 7
- 2
Feature Request: Add application manifest
#350 opened by Reabstraction - 3
Is there any way to use gsudo to replace the sudo command of win11? After installing gsudo in win11 with built-in sudo, sudo can no longer be used, only gsudo can be used
#361 opened by tianlongJ - 1
- 9
Issue: Windows 24H2 Has Sudo
#346 opened by mattcargile - 7
- 2
- 3
Issue: Can run Nano with sudo/gsudo
#356 opened by markox92 - 5
Commands with Bool ($True/$False) Paramiters do not run within a gsudo session
#349 opened by hossimo - 5
- 4
Error: `ParentContainsErrorRecordException` when using `gsudo { Get-NetIPAddress }`
#341 opened by cloud-yu - 2
Error: `System.InvalidOperationException: No process is associated with this object` when using gsudo with Admin by Request
#333 opened by Bouska - 9
- 5
- 2
- 0
- 0
Issue: Multiple simultaneous gsudo versions throw "Unauthorized. (Different gsudo.exe?)"
#300 opened by gerardog - 1
- 3
Issue: scoop global install reports failure
#283 opened by yonizaf - 3
Issue: sudo alias (sudo !!) throws a ParseError exception and doesn't elevate the last executed command in PowerShell Core
#329 opened by gpshonik - 1
Issue: Wrong SID when using cached token
#321 opened by Starmania - 5
Issue: gsudo: "Error: Invalid option: -noninteractive". The gsudo scriptblocks also fail.
#305 opened by futuremotiondev - 2
- 2
- 1
Feature Request: Make sudo more powerful
#301 opened by anzz1 - 3
Issue: Incorrect quote handling on PowerShell>=v7.3 when sudo'ing without `{}`
#297 opened by gerardog - 4
- 7
Issue: Having spaces in the parameters of kopia.exe will cause an error
#295 opened by LakeishaKowalczyk - 6
Issue: gsudo --ti timeouts to `Error: Unable to connect to the elevated service`
#291 opened by joeyoropesa-dev - 4
Win32 internal error "Access is denied" 0x5 occurred while reading the console output buffer
#285 opened by neradp - 3
Feature Request: Unelevate Console
#284 opened by shawnwildermuth - 4
- 2
Issue: Installer should drop module to %ProgramFiles%\WindowsPowerShell\Modules, not %ProgramFiles%\PowerShell\Modules
#277 opened by dartraiden - 2
Issue: UAC keeps popping up
#274 opened by suntong - 1
- 1
Issue: "Invoke-History: Cannot locate most recent history." when doing "sudo powercfg /devicedisablewake <device name>"
#269 opened by soredake - 2
Issue: Can't elevate execution of a PS1 script
#267 opened by trparky