TODO: Update to reflect new syntax
Chitchat is an language that runs on javascript and behaves similarly to javascript.
The difference is in that property access and method calls are treated identically i.e. as message passes.
> (foo bar) ; in the style of a Lisp function call
"you passed the message 'bar' to the object 'foo'"
> ; in the style of a javascript property accessor
"you passed the message 'bar' to the object 'foo'"
Using and having control of the message passing means that ChitChat controls the runtime dispatch which means we can make some pretty exciting changes to the semantics of the language.
In javascript we can extend native types, but we don't because it's super evil, especially when you're sharing context with other libraries and scripts.
In Chitchat you can pass a message to a native Array
and it can use the implementation on ChitChat.builtins.Array
> (#[2 3 1] sortWithSelector "<")
[1, 2, 3]
Because of that, we can be a little (or a lot) more cavalier with extending builtin types because it will only affect us.
> (Array implement "randomItem" ^this[ (Math randomInteger 0 this.length) ])
In javascript, trying to access any property or call any method on null is an error. In ChitChat most messages you pass to null will simply return null, so you can safely pass chains of messages to null as much as you like.
> (null foo)
Though, there are a few useful exceptions
> null.null?
> null.length
In javascript, we have to be a little bit careful with the arguments
object, because it's like an
array, but without all the methods. In Chitchat we convert an arguments
object to an array when you
pass a message to it. This means you can send any messages that are implemented on Array
or Chitchat.builtins.Array
In Ruby there's some really fun atrocities that you can commit using method_missing
, we don't want to be left out of the fun in
ChitChat, so if you pass an object a selector that hasn't been implemented, it will receive the message 'methodMissing' with the selector it got so that you can choose how to handle it.
(PubSub implement 'methodMissing'
;; When we receive a mysterious message
;; check if we have any subscribers to the event
;; of the same name and publish that event
(function [selector args]
(if (this.handlers has selector)
(this publish selector args)
(throw (NotImplementedError new)))))
This document reflects the syntax as it currently exists.
The syntax is lispish, because I'm super lazy.
(var foo bar baz) ; compiles to `var foo, bar, baz;`
(set! foo value) ; compiles to `foo = value`
(receiver messageName arg1 arg2 ...)
(receiver ~varContainingMessageName arg1 arg2 ...)
(receiver ~("message" + "Name") arg1 arg2)
(if a b c) ; compiles to `a ? b : c`
(if a b ; compiles to `a ? b : c ? d : e`
c d
e) ; is a synonym for to ((foo bar) baz)
(set! baz) ; is a synonym for (foo set 'bar' baz)
(set! quuz) ; is a synonym for ((foo bar) set 'baz' quux)
foo.[0] ; is a synonym for (foo get 0)
; integers should get routed to (foo nth i)
(set! foo.[0] bar) ; is a synonym for (foo set 0 bar)
foo.[bar] ; is a synonym for (foo get bar)
Most javascript keywords are replaced with messages
(Foo new) ; compiles to `new Foo`
(Foo new bar baz) ; compiles to `new Foo(bar, baz)`
(foo instanceof Bar) ; compiles to `foo instanceof Bar`
(foo typeof) ; compiles to `typeof foo`
(foo isA Bar) ; do a typecheck through the various layers
(foo isAn Opera) ; of indirection I'm slopping all over this thing
Like Javscript, Chitchat provides literals for Arrays, Objects, Strings, Numbers, and Functions. There are no RegExp literals because I'm too lazy to parse them (maybe you should use coffescript I heard that it's actually practical).
#[1 2 3] ; [1, 2, 3]
#{ a 1 b 3 } ; { a: 1, b: 3 }
"foo bar" ; "foo bar"
bar" ; "foo\n bar"
213 ; 213
;; Function Literals
(function [] foo) ; function () { return foo; }
^foo ; function () { return foo; }
^[a b](a + b) ; function (a, b) { return a + b; }
;; Also I think I'll probably include positional argument references. Why not
^(#0 + #1) ; function () { return arguments[0] + arguments[1]; }
(try attempt)
(try attempt
[err] recover)
(try attempt
[err] recover
(try (file read)
[err] (console log "an error occured!" err)
(file close))
In lou of a keyword, I think I'll implement looping in instance methods, e.g. map, filter, reduce
For more ad-hoc iteration, I can implement Function#until(Function(() -> Boolean) condition) so that you can do
(^(set! i (i - 1)) until ^(i > 0))
CHITCHAT.builtins.Function.until = function (condition) {
var acc = [];
do {
} while (!condition());
return acc;