
A PureScript library to represent and work with physical quantities and units. Note that this library focuses on a representation at run time as opposed to other projects which use the type system to encode physical units at compile time.


> showResult $ 2.0 .* minutes ⊕ 30.0 .* seconds

> showResult $ (85.0 .* miles ./ hour) `convertTo` (meters ./ second)

> showResult $ (10.0 .* meters ./ second) `convertTo` (kilo meters ./ hour)

> showResult $ (10.0 .* miles) `convertTo` (grams .^ 2.0)
"Cannot unify unit 'mi' with unit 'g²'"

> showResult $ sin (90.0 .* degree)

Calculate the time it takes to download a 2.7GB file on a 6Mbit/s connection:

> let filesize = 2.7 .* giga byte
> let speed = 6.0 .* mega bit ./ second
> showResult $ (filesize ⊘ speed) `convertTo` minute

Calculate the oscillation period T = 2π sqrt(L/g) of a pendulum with length L = 20cm:

> let g = 9.81 .* meters ./ second .^ 2.0
> let length = 20.0 .* centi meter
> let period = scalar (2.0 * pi) ⊗ sqrt (length ⊘ g)

> showResult $ period `convertTo` milli seconds


bower install purescript-quantities
npm install decimal.js
