Discord Bot that generates an embedded Discord card with a QR code from a custom URL. As optional, you can choose the color and description for this card.
- Javacord
- Google QR Api
- Task-1: Set up the Discord bot and install it on a server.
- Task-2: Configure the connection with QR API.
- Task-3: Create a command that, with String generate a QR code.
- Task-4: Implement a URL verification solution.
- Task-5: Create testing. (I add a slash command in the Discord bot that shows all possible options without posting them, testing the app and allowing the user to see all color options.)
- Task-6: Give the option to choose the QR color.
You can install my bot in your server just with this link: Add QR_Generetor to your server
In terminal / cmd, open the application folder and run the jar + <your_dicord_bot_token>
Important: Your Discord bot should have allowed bot permissions, applications.commands & Send Messages.
Example java -jar discord_bot_qr-1.1.jar + <your_dicord_bot_token>
You can use this commands in inbox chat inside the server or with a MD conversation with the Bot.
Generates an embedded Discord card with a QR code from a custom URL. As optional, you can choose the color and description for this card.
/qr url:<your_custom_url> OPTIONAL color:<choose_a_color> description:<your_custom_description>
Show a sample of each available color. Only the user will see this response, they cannot be published:
/show_all url:<your_custom_url>