- Website: www.gerardroche.com
- X: @gerardroche_
- Vim - Vi IMproved, a programmer's text editor.
- Git - A distributed version control system.
- GitK - The Git repository browser.
You need Ubuntu 24.04.
Clone or download the dotfiles to ~/.dotfiles
and run the install script.
git clone https://github.com/gerardroche/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles && cd ~/.dotfiles && ./install
The installer will:
- install the included software
- symlink the necessary dotfiles
The installer can be run repeatedly; blocking files will be backed up.
Setup optional private dotfiles in a separate repository at ~/.dotfiles-private
If a private dotfile exists it will be symlinked into the home directory by the installer and sourced by the main dotfiles.
~/.dotfile-private/.bash_aliases -> ~/.bash_aliases-private
~/.dotfile-private/.bash_completions -> ~/.bash_completions-private
~/.dotfile-private/.bash_functions -> ~/.bash_functions-private
~/.dotfile-private/.bashrc -> ~/.bashrc-private
~/.dotfile-private/.gitconfig -> ~/.gitconfig-private
~/.dotfile-private/.profile -> ~/.profile-private
~/.dotfile-private/bin -> ~/bin-private
Aliases to edit and reload dotfiles.
Alias | Description |
reloadaliases | Reload .bash_aliases and .bash_aliases-private |
reloadbashrc | Reload .bashrc and .bashrc-private |
reloadcompletions | Reload .bash_completions and .bash_completions-private |
reloadfunctions | Reload .bash_functions and .bash_functions-private |
ealiases | Edit .bash_aliases |
ebashrc | Edit .bashrc |
ecompletions | Edit .bash_completions |
efunctions | Edit .bash_functions |
egitconfig | Edit .gitconfig |
epaliases | Edit .bash_aliases-private |
epbashrc | Edit .bashrc-private |
epcompletions | Edit .bash_completions-private |
epfunctions | Edit .bash_functions-private |