
Vamos a hacerle a Adrian esta madrola Gera.

Primary LanguageApacheConf


This is the source code of UNISON's Math deparment contest administrator.

Front end setup

This is an AngularJS application.


  • npm
  • bower
  • IDE / Editor


  1. Go to the folder /servicio-app
  2. Run npm install. node_modules folder should be created.
  3. Run bower install. bower_components folder should be created.


Front end uses [yo angular generator] (https://github.com/yeoman/generator-angular) template for AngularJS, so you can use yo angular to add controllers, services, directives, etc to the source code.

Here's a short Yeoman tutorial: http://yeoman.io/codelab/setup.html

Build & development

Run grunt serve to test changes in localhost:9000


Running grunt test will run the unit tests with karma.