
example of a simple web API

Primary LanguagePythonThe UnlicenseUnlicense

This is an example of a simple web API implemented using Flask and Flask-RESTful.

To run it:

  1. Install required dependencies:

    $ pip install -r requirements.txt

    Flask and Flask-RESTful to run server.py and RDFLib and JSONLD for RDFLib to run the extractdata.py script or the another-server.py service.

  2. Run the helpdesk server:

    $ python server.py

    Alternatively, you can access the service running here: http://aeshin.org:5555/requests

  3. Use the extractdata.py script to examine the triples found in various representations of the helpdesk resources.

    RDFa/microdata for the list of help requests:

    $ python extractdata.py http://aeshin.org:5555/requests

    JSON-LD for the list of help requests:

    $ python extractdata.py http://aeshin.org:5555/requests.json

    RDFa/microdata for an individual help request:

    $ python extractdata.py http://aeshin.org:5555/request/fhs6jo

    JSON-LD for an individual help request:

    $ python extractdata.py http://aeshin.org:5555/request/fhs6jo.json
  4. Run the contacts server for an example of a service calling another service:

    $ python another-server.py

    Alternatively, you can access the service running here: http://aeshin.org:5556/contacts.json