Notes Chat App

Most of this app is adapted from the TodoMVC Modern Example from the Relay team.

This project uses a simple in memory GraphQL database, as such data will not be persisted between server restarts.


Use Yarn if you want to instead.

npm install 


Set up generated files:

npm run update-schema
npm run build

Start a local server:

npm start


Any changes you make to files in the js/ directory will cause the server to automatically rebuild the app and refresh your browser.

If at any time you make changes to data/schema.js, stop the server, regenerate data/schema.graphql, and restart the server:

npm run update-schema
npm run build
npm start


Testing Relay-Modern apps appears to be largely undocumented.

There appear to be undocumented testing tools in react-relay.

For future reference see what can be learned from the relay-modern tests.


All code used here is potentially covered and encumbered by the terms of the Facebook RelayJS Example license. And as such should not be used for commercial purposes.