
Last.fm RSS Feeds via API

Primary LanguageHTML

🌴 Last.fm RSS

Last time I scraped the site and parsed the html of last.fm, this time I decided to use the API. I thought that would serve me better, and in a way, it does.

But I also wept. How is it possible that two almost identical endpoints have the key names differ on several spots or complete absent.

Anyhow,on https://lfm.xiffy.nl/ you can get your Last.fm RSS Feeds!

You know the drill;

# git clone git@github.com:xiffy/lfm.git
# cd lfm
# virtualenv -p python3 venv
# . venv/bin/activate
# pip install -r requirements.txt
# cd lfm
# cp config-sample.py config.py
# <paste in your lastfm api-key>
# start.sh

Open a browser to http://localhost:5000/