Status 04.11.2011 1. Delete user (from menu or toolbar) not working 2. edit user not working correctly 3. edit usergroup not working 4. model changes are not propagated correctly between the views (on selection change or on editing) 5. status bar not working DONE -- 6. disable contextual menu on view tabs ... 7. remove the toolbar buttons from the intro view --> see CustomPropertiesView ... where some buttons are removed POSTPONED -- 8. make the intro view not closable and disable most of the menu/toolbar entries in this case. 9. add user not working anymore DONE --> 10. make collapse all toolbar button to work --> see CollapseAllHandler ... or CollapseAllAction DONE --> 11. create User e-mail validator for databinding DONE --> 12. fix the tabbed properties view layout issues ... useless table.pack(); removed After this list is complete we can discuss the next milestone. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Build a user friendly eclipse RCP application that implements the follow features. Code Name : Personal Contact Manager DONE --> I. Login to the personal contact manager -- ar trebui sa faca de fapt login la gmail/yahoo mail/facebook/any other service that could provide this informations DONE -- should have a check box for 'remember user name and password' DONE --> II. Create new user group DONE --> A. Input Values DONE --> 1. Group Name DONE --> 2. Group Description DONE --> 3. Members a) Add/Delete users to a group DONE --> b) Create a new user dialog to add a new user (name, phone, email) III. List Groups that are Owned by the current user · Allow users to make changes to existing groups IV. Bulk Update · Allow user to search and add/remove search results to one or more groups. DONE --> V. Delete group DONE --> · Warn user before actually deleting the group VI. Add one or move of the optional features below Optional Features ONGOING --> I. Allow user to drag and drop members between groups and/or any other place you find useful -- trebuit adaugat suportul de cut/copy/paste -- trebuie adaugat suportul de generic drag and drop -- trebuit rezolvat bugul cu drop-ul de usergroup si alte mici buguri (e.g. update-ul de group-uri la drop sialtele pe care le vom gasi) II. Use table editors to allow user to edit group details from bullet 2 above III. Be creative and implement any other useful feature. Make sure you clearly identify the feature you added in the deliverables document Deliverables Submit a zip file containing the following items in a clearly labeled structure. I. Eclipse Workspace which includes source code II. Exported RCP Applications EXE Document listing any special instructions