Simple script to extract the contents of a UnityPackage into a readable file/folder structure.
- adachicIndividual
- aveminusFrance
- Climberfx
- EntwicklerpagesGermany
- fictorialFictorial
- GeneralDZYXW, NEXUM, 4d lab
- gyohkTokyo, Japan
- Heretic312Breach Block
- joaoccKIT-AR Ltd
- JohnicholasDatadog
- KarimP@facebookincubator
- kcando
- kungfuelmosanWingnut AR
- kwangsu61Seoul, South Korea
- larsjsol
- lassic
- MatthewCalliseludevisibility
- MSylviaBoston, MA
- nullforceThe Core Meltdown
- osmanzekiMontréal, Canada
- osssx
- p4norman@perforce
- pronebirdLondon
- rgaratGemserk
- savage69kr
- sbtk44Tokyo
- secondwtqSichuan University
- ShiftedClock
- SimonRenLets Do It.
- stan4cb@TwoMoonsGameStudio
- Torres9
- tosh-iba
- vladimirnpNextpeer
- WisdomKwan
- ZiadJMauritius
- zouguangxianChina