
A website for Glittermouse's album "It's Always the End of the World"


A website for Glittermouse's album "It's Always the End of the World"


  1. Quickly develop and deploy.
  2. Enable pay what you want model.
  3. Enable way for returning users to log in.
  4. Allow them to sync facebook to comment.
  5. Allow them to stream all content, fast and painless.
  6. Give reason for them to return often.
  7. Push boundries.
  8. Make it extremely sharable.
  9. Make downloading easy and quick.


  • March 13 - Decide on content and design
  • April 13 - Develop MVP
  • May 13 - Launch MVP including downloads of music.
  • June 13 - Add features
  • July 13 - Add features and content

