
Primary LanguagePerlGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

The repository contains useful scripts I have installed into ~/bin


  • antiword: converts MS doc files to PDF and opens it.
  • connect/disconnect headphone: for more Bluetooth headphones
  • file_template: A file template script I use in Vim for creating new files.
  • git-credential-pass: integrates pass credentials into git (e.g. for git sendemail)
  • inst_perl: wrapper to install perl packages via apt
  • mailsync: calls mbsync and notmuch. I use neomutt on this local IMAP cache.
  • nodeid: lookup UA nodeids
  • passmenu: dmenu integration for pass. This can also type login and password for you.
  • statusbar: a simple statusbar for dwm
  • statuscode: lookup UA statuscodes
  • viml: A wrapper for Vim which allows me to open files like vim /path/to/file:1234 at the correct line number. This is convenient to open files printed in compiler output.
  • der2pem: converts X509v3 certificates from DER encoding to PEM
  • pem2der: converts X509v3 certificates from PEM encoding to DER
  • yubikey-switch.sh: Let gpg forget the old Yubikey to fix issues when switching different Yubikeys.
  • flamegraph: Easily profile an application using Linux perf tool and visualize using FlameGraphs.

CCache on tmpfs

Overview: These scripts help to move .ccache on a fast tmpfs (RAM disk). On shutdown all files will be archived in the persistent folder .ccache-persistent. On startup the tmpfs gets mounted and the cache gets restored from the persistent folder.


  • ccache-make-persistent: Make the current .ccache persistent
  • ccache-enable-tmpfs: Restores the .ccache
  • ccache-ramdisk.service: Systemd user unit file which handles invocation of the BASH scripts.


  1. Create the directory ~/bin and move the files above to this folder.
  2. Create the systemd config directory and install the unit file.
    mkdir ~/.config/systemd/user/
    ln -s ~/bin/ccache-ramdisk.service ~/.config/systemd/user/ccache-ramdisk.service
    sudo systemctl --user daemon-reload
    sudo systemctl --user enable ccache-ramdisk
    sudo systemctl --user start ccache-ramdisk
  1. Edit /etc/fstab and add the following entry:
    # put ccache on tmpfs
    none /home/<username>/.ccache tmpfs defaults,noauto,user 0 2