
An opinionated template for creating a cocoapod with source code, a sample project and tests

Primary LanguageObjective-C

How to Create a Cocoapods Package

the Cocoapods "Hello World" Template using Objective C

Build Status

This is an opinionated template to fork to easily create pods that have the following:

  • Can be installed via the pod install my-pod-name template
  • Pod latest version displayed on the readme page
  • Automated tests running TravisCI
  • Displaying the build status button: Build Status

Creating a Pod based on this template

0. Fork this project

... or clone it or copy the source code so you can start to modify it

1. Replace the HelloWorld project with your own

  • Replace HelloWorld.xcodeproj and the HelloWorld & HelloWorld folders with your own project.

    Note: in the current example HelloWorld is a Cocoa Touch Static Library

2. Setup Continous Integration

  • Configure .travis.yml
    • Change the script: part to point to your project's .xcodeproj and scheme. So for example if your project's name and Scheme is MyAwesomeFramework then change
    xctool test -project HelloWorld.xcodeproj -scheme HelloWorld -sdk iphonesimulator8.1 -destination "platform=iOS Simulator,OS=8.1,name=iPhone 6"
    xctool test -project MyAwesomeFramework.xcodeproj -scheme HelloWorld -sdk iphonesimulator8.1 -destination "platform=iOS Simulator,OS=8.1,name=iPhone 6"
  • Register with / login to TravisCI
  • Add your repository and your build should be triggered!
  • Once your build is passing you can embed the build status image to your github page. See this tutorial on how.