

This aims to be a daily drivable Rust programming setup with window transparency



  • Video here, loops from 3.000 s inital offset for 17.000 s duration
  • Run with mpvpaper:

mpvpaper -o "--ab-loop-a=3 --ab-loop-b=20" HDMI-A-1 ~/Videos/wallpaper-video.mp4

  • It was made by screenshoting keyframes from (spoilers!) this clip at 1:06, repeating them to get a total of 25 jpg, then running:

ffmpeg -framerate 1 -pattern_type glob -i '*.jpg' -filter:v "minterpolate" -r 60 -c:v libx264 -preset slow -pix_fmt yuv420p wallpaper-video.mp4

Rustdoc (WIP)

  • Needs Firefox 99b6 or older (a version without commit e0938f086f24)
  • Make a dedicated profile: firefox-99b6
  • Install Stylus exension and apply this userstyle to URLs *://localhost:8000/* and *://localhost:8001/*
  • Start local rustdoc servings and Firefox 99b6 with our profile in kiosk mode - from the rust project root dir run this script
  • Then switch Firefox from kiosk fullscreen to a normal window with the wm's hotkey (eg. mod+f)
  • Switch between the std doc tab and the crates doc tab with Crtl+Tab

The userstyle more-or-less works on and on too