
Automatic Real-time system Analyzer

Primary LanguageC

ARA - Automatic Real-time System Analyzer

Tool to automatically analyse real-time systems. Currently capable of systems written with FreeRTOS and OSEK.


The following dependencies are needed:

Optional dependencies:

  • pygments (Runtime depedency to get dot files linked to the source code)

Dependencies that are built as subproject:

  • SVF
    • SVF needs Z3 additionally

Getting packages in SRA lab:

pip3 install --user meson
. ~/.profile

Outside of the SRA lab some extra dependencies might be needed:

sudo apt install cmake pkgconf libboost-all-dev libsparsehash-dev gcc-arm-none-eabi libcairo2-dev python3-dev
pip3 install -U pycairo matplotlib

To initialize the external modules, run the init script:


To build the program type:

meson build
cd build

(Note: build is actually a placeholder for an arbitrary path.)

To build only ARA itself use:

ninja ara.py

There are some build options to deactivate parts of the project. Take a look at meson configure for that.


In order to build and analyze Zephyr-RTOS apps some additional steps are required: (you can use the init_zephyr.sh script to automate this process) To obtain Zephyr and its dependencies follow steps 1 to 3 (inclusive) from their starter guide.

Delete the zephyrproject/zephyr repo and replace it with our internal one. Switch to branch ara and update the dependencies with west.

rm -rf ./zephyr
git clone -b ara git@scm.sra.uni-hannover.de:research/zephyrproject-rtos.git zephyr
west update

Configure meson so that it finds the zephyr install.

meson configure -D zephyr_dir=<...>/zephyrproject/

To test zephyr apps without a test case use this target:

ninja zephyr_examples
ninja z_clean

To analyze them with ARA:

./ara.py --os Zephyr --step-settings ../settings/zephyr.json --entry-point="" ./appl/Zephyr/static_threads.ll


ara.py cannot be run without proper installation, due to misplaced binary modules. Therefore meson generates a replacement script ara.py in the build directory that works out of the box. Run this with:

build/ara.py -h

Note: The input of the program is an LLVM IR file. To compile a C/C++ applications into IR files, invoke clang with the flags described in settings/meson.build.

Test Cases

There are some predefined test cases. Run them with:

cd build
meson test


ARA is divided into steps that operate on the same system model. When starting the program the correct chain of steps is calculated and then executed. A listing of the steps can be retrieved by:

build/ara.py -l

Steps can be written into Python (defined in steps) or in C++ (defined in steps/native). The model is written in C++ with Python bindings (defined in graph).

Program configuration

ARA can be configured in multiple ways:

  1. Global options: Options specified per command line. See build/ara.py -h for all available options.
  2. Per-step options: See the following text.

Steps can define their own options. See build/ara.py -l for a list of steps and their options. Step wise configuration can be configured with the --step-settings command line switch.

Input must be a JSON file with this syntax:

	"Stepname1": {
		"key1": "value",
		"key2": 45
	"Stepname2": {
		"other_key1": "other_value",

Additionally to that, steps can be configured to run multiple times with different options. In this case, the settings file gets an additional entry steps that can be a list of steps that should be executed:

	"steps": ["MyStep1", "MyStep2", ...],
	"MyStep1": {
		"key": "value"

or a list of step configurations or a mix of both:

	"steps": [
			"name": "MyStep2"
			"key": "value"
			"name": "MyStep2"
			"key": "value2"
	"MyStep1": {
		"key": "value"

In this case MyStep2 is executed two times with different options.

Applying of options goes from local to global. So a step get the configuration in steps first, then the per step configuration and then the global configuration.

Logging configuration

Logging in ARA is done with the Python logging framework and makes extensive use of (Sub)Loggers. In most cases, these loggers are equivalent with a step and can be configured via setting of the step's log_level. However, some loggers are not for steps, e.g. the StepManager logger.

These loggers can be configured with an additional entry in the configuration file:

	"logger": {
		"StepManager": "debug",
		"Solver": "info",

Note that only non-step loggers can be configured in this way.


If you want to develop with ARA, some common actions are usual.

Adding a new Python step

  • Create the step in the steps directory. You can use steps/dummy.py as template.
  • Add the step to steps/__init__.py.
    • Add to the __all__-attribute.
    • Add to the provide_steps() function.
  • Create a test case for this step in the test directory. See the existing tests and test/meson.build for hints how to achieve this.

Adding a new C++ step

  • Create the step in the steps/native directory. You can use steps/native/cdummy.{cpp,h,pxd} as template.
  • Add the step to steps/native/meson.build (both the pxd and the cpp file) to enable compilation.
  • Add the step to steps/native/step.pyx to create a Python wrapper. Add an cimport and add the step to provide_steps.
  • Create a test case for this step in the test/native_step_test directory. Usually, it is enough to add your test to test/native_step_test/meson.build.
    • C++ steps often need other C++ code to test it. For that add an extra test step in steps/native/test.h and steps/native/test/ and call it from your test case.


If you add a new file or modify an existing one, please run reuse:

reuse annotate --license 'GPL-3.0-or-later' $your_file    # for a new file
reuse annotate --copyright $your_name_and_optional_email  # for a new file and an existing one


ARA uses clang-format as automatic formatting for its C++ sources.

One possibility to integrate this with git is a pre-commit hook like the following. Create a file .git/hooks/pre-commit:


if git clang-format --diff $(git diff --name-only --cached 2>&1) 2>&1 | grep diff 2>&1 >/dev/null; then
	echo "ERROR: clang-format has changes."
	exit 1
exit 0

And then manually invoke git clang-format.


LLVM is not found

Sometime Meson is unable to find the correct LLVM libraries because detection of the llvm-config file fails. In this case, add a file native.txt with this content:

llvm-config = '/path/to/llvm-config'

Then configure your build directory with:

meson build --native-file native.txt

meson directory is really/too big

This is because of precompiled headers. They fasten the build a little bit but need a lot of disk space. You can deactivate precompiled headers with:

meson configure -Db_pch=false