Code for the BR-MAB framework applicable to non-stationary multi-armed bandits.

Primary LanguageC++

made-with-c++ made-with-python


Code for the BR-MAB framework applicable to non-stationary multi-armed bandits.

đź“ś Paper: Exploiting History Data for Nonstationary MAB


This repository contains the code used for testing and performing the experiments described in the paper "Exploiting History Data for Nonstationary Multi-armed Bandits" by G. Re, F. Chiusano, F. Trovò, D. Carrera, G. Boracchi and M. Restelli. There are some "ready-to-use" experiments that can be ran simply by following the instructions written in the last section of this description, but the user could define its own settings (only a basic knowledge of Python is required in order to do it).


The core of the code has been taken from here (repository of Fabio Chiusano). This contains various classes in order to define MABs and some algorithms, both stationary and nonstationary, already used in literature (UCB1[1], Thompson Sampling[2], CUSUM-UCB[3] ...). In addition, here we added:

  • Some missing algorithms, like Bayes-UCB[4] and M-UCB[5].
  • New Change Detection Algorithms (GRL[6], Monitor[5]).
  • Statistical and similarity tests.
  • the framework proposed in our paper, the BR-MAB.

Instructions (RR)

Reproducible Research (RR) instructions:

  1. Run the script 'scripts/exp_demo_generator.py' in order to generate the experimental file (default is the synthetic setting in the paper).
  2. make
  3. Run the command './bin/main' and begin the experiment.
  4. Images of the experiments will be saved in the 'results' folder with a text file of the final regret results.


[1] Auer, P., Cesa-Bianchi, N., and Fischer, P. (2002). Finite-time analysis of the multiarmed bandit problem. Machine learning, 47(2-3):235–256.
[2] Thompson, W. R. (1933). On the likelihood that one unknown probability exceeds another in view of the evidence of two samples.
[3] Liu, F., Lee, J., and Shroff, N. B. (2018). A change-detection based framework for piecewise-stationary multi-armed bandit problem. In AAAI.
[4] Kaufmann, Emilie, Olivier Cappé, and Aurélien Garivier. "On Bayesian upper confidence bounds for bandit problems." Artificial intelligence and statistics. PMLR, 2012.
[5] Cao, Y., Wen, Z., Kveton, B., and Xie, Y. (2019). Nearly optimal adaptive procedure with change detection for piecewise-stationary bandit.
[6]Neyman, J. and Pearson, E. S. (1933). On the problem of the most efficient tests of statistical hypotheses. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Containing Papers of a Mathematical or Physical Character, 231:289–337.
[7] Auer, P., Cesa-Bianchi, N., and Fischer, P. (2002). Finite-time analysis of the multiarmed bandit problem. Machine learning, 47(2-3):235–256.