- 00quanta
- alexichepuraMinsk
- andersinde
- antonbergman
- AnvarAtayev
- Boris3305
- bsscheiner
- Dr-sunkyUK
- drhcelik
- drunkcoconut
- dundunplus
- electrikyouthhElectrikSerpentine
- fightingxiaoxiaoSuzhou University of Science and Technology (USTS)
- ht55ght55@Atelier-L2
- huanglz03
- huluyeer
- lelouchhailUNSW Engineering Students
- LilHangWuhan University
- lincui903
- lyushiyuTechnical University of Munich
- Martis-NWPU
- massisenergyEarth
- NilsBForze
- pentadactyla-shao
- pilotmark66
- staneuski@Aalto-CFD
- swilshireAtlanta, Georgia
- VeenxzThe Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- wiggingOak Ridge National Laboratory
- wo315
- yanziliu131
- zhangzhg0508@果果
- zhzhboyKyung Hee University
- zone1234567
- zuolinye