
Python IGES Reader

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Python IGES reader with basic functionality to read an IGES file and convert some entities to a pyvista or vtk mesh.

This module can read in and perform basic parsing of all entities and can perform additional parsing and geometry visualization of the following entities:

  • Vertex List (Type 502 Form 1)
  • Edge List
  • Loop (for specifying a bounded face for BREP geometries
  • Face
  • Circular arc
  • Rational B-Spline Surface
  • Rational B-Spline Curve
  • Conic Arc (Type 104)
  • Line
  • Point


Install with pip using:

pip install pyiges

Otherwise, if you want the bleeding edge version, feel free to clone this repo and install with:

git clone https://github.com/pyvista/pyiges
cd pyiges
pip install .


The pyiges module can read in many entities as raw text, but only NURBS surfaces and bsplines can be converted to pyvista meshes.

import pyiges
from pyiges import examples

# load an example impeller
iges = pyiges.read(examples.impeller)

# print an invidiual entity (boring)

# convert all lines to a vtk mesh and plot it
lines = iges.to_vtk(bsplines=True, surfaces=False, merge=True)
lines.plot(color='w', line_width=2)

# convert all surfaces to a vtk mesh and plot it
mesh = iges.to_vtk(bsplines=False, surfaces=True, merge=True, delta=0.05)
mesh.plot(color='w', smooth_shading=True)
# control resolution of the mesh by changing "delta"

# save this surface to file
mesh.save('mesh.ply')  # as ply
mesh.save('mesh.stl')  # as stl
mesh.save('mesh.vtk')  # as vtk






Substantial code was obtained from or inspired by https://github.com/cfinch/IGES-File-Reader

IGES reference definitions were obtained from Eclipse IGES Wiki,