
Kotlin library, Validator box that can inspect any type of form, provides multiple validation functions with an inclusion of clearing views

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT

Powerful Android Validator Crawaler⚔

Validator box library that can inspect any type of form, provides multiple validation functions with an inclusion of clearing views(❁´◡`❁)

Build Status License: MIT Android Arsenal

Validator Crawler, that would help the developers to get two different functionalities i.e validate and clear.

Get started from validation, this library provides multiple functionality having 10+ validate functions. The user have an authority to validate whole form or even single view, procedure is described below. The view includes:

  • Edittext
  • RadioGroup
  • Checkbox (include Multi checklist)
  • Spinner

Secondly, it also provides multiple functions to clear whole form views or single view that are filled. The clearing functionality is work for all above described views including:

  • Switch (Toggle)


Checkout the core functionality from here: AndroidValidatorCrawaler

Some Screens🎞

Pic-1 Pic-2 Pic-3

How to use it??


In project.gradle add this code it in root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

allprojects {
	repositories {
		maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }

Now, add the dependency in app.gradle:

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.AliAzaz:AndroidValidatorCrawler:X.X.X'

Sample Usage🔔

Implement Validation:

//fldGrpSecA01: is the view group in which whole layout is defined in xml
Validator.emptyCheckingContainer(this, fldGrpSecA01);

Implement Clear:

//fldGrpSecA01: is the view group in which whole layout is defined in xml


Removed required error tag from RadioGroup


Medium: https://medium.com/@ali.azaz.alam

Twitter: https://twitter.com/AliAzazAlam1

Github: https://github.com/aliazaz

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aliazazalam/


Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE information.