
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Mongo I Project


  • Databases.
  • MongoDB.
  • Mongoose.
  • Performing CRUD Operations.


Use Node.js, Express.js and Mongoose.js to build an API that persists data to a MongoDB database.

  1. Fork and Clone this repository.
  2. CD into the folder where you cloned the repository.
  3. Type yarn or npm install to download all dependencies listed inside package.json.
  4. Add code inside server.js and any other files you create in order to implement your API.
  5. To start the server, type yarn start or npm start. The server will restart automatically as you make changes.
  6. Use Postman to Test the API.

Create friend Schema

In a separate file, create a Schema for the friends collection. Each friend document should conform to the following object structure:

  firstName: "Jane", // String, required
  lastName: "Doe",  // String, required
  age: 18, // Number, required, should be an integer between 1 and 120
  createdOn: Mon Aug 14 2017 12:50:16 GMT-0700 (PDT) // Date, required, defaults to current date

Implement CRUD Endpoints

Configure the API to respond to the following routes:

Method Endpoint Description
POST /api/friends Creates a friend using the information sent inside the request body.
GET /api/friends Returns an array of all the friend objects contained in the database.
GET /api/friends/:id Returns the friend object with the specified id.
DELETE /api/friends/:id Removes the friend with the specified id and returns the deleted friend.
PUT /api/friends/:id Updates the friend with the specified id using data from the request body. Returns the modified document, NOT the original.

Endpoint Specifications

When the client makes a POST request to /api/friends:

  • If the request body is missing the firstName, lastName or age property:

    • cancel the request.
    • respond with HTTP status code 400 (Bad Request).
    • return the following JSON response: { errorMessage: "Please provide firstName, lastName and age for the friend." }.
  • If the value for age is not an integer or is less than 1 or more than 120:

    • cancel the request.
    • respond with HTTP status code 400 (Bad Request).
    • return the following JSON response: { errorMessage: "Age must be a whole number between 1 and 120" }.
  • If the information about the friend is valid:

    • save the new friend the the database.
    • return HTTP status code 201 (Created).
    • return the newly created friend document.
  • If there's an error while saving the friend:

    • cancel the request.
    • respond with HTTP status code 500 (Server Error).
    • return the following JSON object: { error: "There was an error while saving the friend to the database" }.

When the client makes a GET request to /api/friends:

  • If there's an error in retrieving the friends from the database:
    • cancel the request.
    • respond with HTTP status code 500.
    • return the following JSON object: { error: "The information could not be retrieved." }.

When the client makes a GET request to /api/friends/:id:

  • If the friend with the specified id is not found:

    • return HTTP status code 404 (Not Found).
    • return the following JSON object: { message: "The friend with the specified ID does not exist." }.
  • If there's an error in retrieving the friend from the database:

    • cancel the request.
    • respond with HTTP status code 500.
    • return the following JSON object: { error: "The information could not be retrieved." }.

When the client makes a DELETE request to /api/friends/:id:

  • If the friend with the specified id is not found:

    • return HTTP status code 404 (Not Found).
    • return the following JSON object: { message: "The friend with the specified ID does not exist." }.
  • If there's an error in removing the friend from the database:

    • cancel the request.
    • respond with HTTP status code 500.
    • return the following JSON object: { error: "The friend could not be removed" }.

When the client makes a PUT request to /api/friends/:id:

  • If the friend with the specified id is not found:

    • return HTTP status code 404 (Not Found).
    • return the following JSON object: { message: "The friend with the specified ID does not exist." }.
  • If the request body is missing the firstName, lastName or age property:

    • cancel the request.
    • respond with HTTP status code 400 (Bad Request).
    • return the following JSON response: { errorMessage: "Please provide firstName, lastName and age for the friend." }.
  • If the value for age is not an integer or is less than 1 or more than 120:

    • cancel the request.
    • respond with HTTP status code 400 (Bad Request).
    • return the following JSON response: { errorMessage: "Age must be a whole number between 1 and 120" }.
  • If there's an error when updating the friend:

    • cancel the request.
    • respond with HTTP status code 500.
    • return the following JSON object: { error: "The friend information could not be modified." }.
  • If the friend is found and the new information is valid:

    • update the friend document in the database using the new information sent in the reques body.
    • return HTTP status code 200 (OK).
    • return the newly updated friend document.

Additional Notes

Remember to use body-parser to read information from the request body.

Stop the MongoDB database server when not in use to save computer resources.

Stretch Problems

  1. Implement a second collection called BlogPosts.
  2. Define the schema however you see fit.
  3. Implement all CRUD operations.
  4. Add validation.