

  • java version 1.8 or bigger
  • your preferred java IDE
  • navigate with the tags to discover the topics


  • v0.1: code review exercise
  • v0.2: matchers & exceptions
  • v0.3: hooks
  • v0.4: test doubles, isolation
  • v0.5: property based testing
  • v0.6: test smells
  • v0.7: test coverage
  • v0.8: extending junit

proposed exercises

  • v0.2: complete any missing tests for Calculator
  • v0.4: implement unit tests for PTOPayment
  • v0.5: implement PBT for Calculator multiplication and subtraction
  • v0.5: implement PBT Payroll
  • v0.7: setup the coverage threshold to 72 in the pom.xml
  • v0.7: implement some test to pass the 72% threshold
  • v0.8: add another functionality to TimeReportExtension to print the final status of the execution, if a single test fails then add execution status: FAILED otherwise execution status: PASSED. Hint: you may need to use the extension store as in this example
