
spring boot restful and mongodb examples

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Sample application to create a rest service to create a person entity with its companies and persist it to a mongo database.

Run Rest service

under the root dir execute: gradlew bootRun this will run the server under the 8080 port

list persons

to list all the persons the route is "/persons"

save persons

to save a new person the route is "/saveperson" and the parameters are:

  • firstname
  • lastname
  • profession
  • latitude
  • longitude
  • orgname - repeated for multiple
  • headquarter - repeated for multiple

example: use curl o postman (chrome extension) to test the rest service with a json document like this:

    "firstName": "dave",
    "lastName": "mustain",
    "profession": "musician",
    "location": [
    "companies": [
            "orgName": "megadeth",
            "headquarter": "la"
            "orgName": "metallica",
            "headquarter": "la"

Run web app

under the webapp dir execute grunt serve this will run the webapp under the 9000 port