LINGWO-S1 is a dataset that focuses on capturing the essence of Ewondo speech.

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

LINGWO-S1: Ewondo Speech Dataset


LINGWO-S1 is a dataset that focuses on capturing the essence of Ewondo speech. It consists of short sentences spoken by a single speaker, providing a valuable resource for linguistic analysis and speech-related studies.


  • Language: Ewondo (Represented as "ewo")
  • Number of Sentences: 150
  • Sentence Type: Short
  • Number of Speakers: 1


This dataset is intended for researchers, linguists, and anyone interested in the study of Ewondo speech. Feel free to explore and analyze the unique characteristics of the language through this collection of short sentences.


If you use this dataset in your work, please cite it as follows:

[Author, Year. LINGWO-S1: Ewondo Speech Dataset. GitHub Repository, URL]


This dataset is released under Apache licence. Please check the license file for more details.


We acknowledge [any relevant acknowledgments or credits here].