
A small but not minimal functional language and theorem prover.

Primary LanguageScalaMIT LicenseMIT


A small but not minimal functional language and theorem prover.

Current status: not entirely broken.

Example Proof

Run ulang/shell/Repl.scala and enter:

import prop
p → p or q


Expression language

expr e ::= x | op | λ x. e | e e

Type language

type t ::= a | C t1 ... tn

with a predefined binary type constructor for function types (written infix). Functions with several arguments are curried and associates to the right as usual, whereas application associates to the left.

Syntax is mostly whitespace agnostic. Each line represents a declaration, e.g.

id x = x

However, long lines can be continued by indenting the next line, e.g.

id x
  = x

Block comments are delimited by /* and */ and can be nested, line comments start with // and extend to the next newline as usual.

There are several types of declarations. Their order in the file is mostly irrelevant, the only exception being the order of constant declarations that must match dependencies (in the future this may change).

Imports are evaluated first and make the whole signature of a submodule available (transitively)

import module

Mixfix declarations are evaluated can specify an identifier as prefix, postfix, or infix (left, right or non associative), with a given precedence. Normal applications bind tighter than mixfix syntax. The same set of mixfix operators is used for types and expressions.

prefix  prec id
postfix prec id
infix left  prec id
infix right prec id
infix       prec id

Types are either introduced as abbreviations from existing types or represent inductive data types. By convention, type names are upper case. Data types may be mutually recursive.

type C a1 ... an
  = t

data C a1 ... an
  = c1: t1 | ... | cn: tn

The type of functions/constants must be explicitly declared. Arbitrary overloading is possible, however, for all expressions/definitions must have exactly one type.

op: t

Functions are defined by equations and pattern matching. Several equations for the same function (as determined by overloading resolution during type checking) are automatically grouped. The pattern match may discern data type constructors (and possibly view patterns in the future). Pattern matches must be deterministic. Functions may be mutually recursive and it is possible to state higher order equations without specifying all of the arguments.

f (c ...) (d ...)
  = e

h = g

There are very little restrictions in what names may be used for functions and types, unicode characters are supported. As a consequence, identifiers must be separated by spaces, i.e., 1+2 is parsed as a single identifier. An exception holds for the punctuation characters ., (, ) and lambda λ; although () is parsed as an identifier not an empty pair of parentheses.

Reserved keywords and tokens

import data type
prefix postfix infix binder
( ) λ . ;

Additionally, the following tokens are not allowed for type names (as they are used in the syntax of data type declarations)

| =


Standard HOL is intended. To be made precise.



The prelude file defines basic data types and functions.

  • Booleans of type Bool with logical operators (using unicode syntax).
  • The unit type () with a single value ()
  • Option type Option a with constructors some and none
  • List type List a with constructors [] and :: (infix right)

Discussion & Design Goals

The main goals are

  • familiarity for programmers used to functional programming
  • make it possible to express mathematical definitions and theorems the way one would present them in a paper or textbook
  • simultaneously strive for simple syntactic rules, don't put in too much notation.
  • minimizing clutter: no semicolons for example, no explicit match statements imposed
  • have a feasible effort for an implementation