
Selectively removes animation keyframes from collada files

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A tool for selectively removing animation keyframes from collada files.


If you do not want to build it yourself, go to the download section and see what is there.

If you have coffeescript, compile the file ColladaLoader2.coffee. Otherwise, follow these instructions:

  • Clone this repository
  • Install node (http://nodejs.org/)
  • Open the command line, go to the repository directory and type npm update
  • If you are a windows user, type makeColladaLoader2. If you are a linux user, read that file and figure out what to do.


Loads and shows collada files.

  • Open the file view.html in your web browser.
  • Drag-and-drop a collada file from your file system into the black area.


Selectively removes animation keyframes from collada files.

  • Open the file compress.html in your web browser
  • Read the embedded help section.


Using the web pages locally

  • Texture loading will not work if you use the web pages locally unless you follow all of the following steps.
  • Set loader.options.useLocalTextureLoading = true to enable simple texture loading in the ColladaLoader2 class. Otherwise you will get Cross-origin image load denied by Cross-Origin Resource Sharing policy.
  • Start the chrome browser with --allow-file-access-from-files Otherwise you will get DOM security expections 18
  • That switch is a security risk, don't forget to change it back.

Using the web pages though a web server

  • Set loader.options.useLocalTextureLoading = false to enable proper texture loading in the ColladaLoader2 class.
  • The texture most likely has to come from the same domain as the web page. Hotlinking textures from the three.js project example page won't work.