
Managing RISC OS VersionNum files (a la 'commit'/'srccommit')

Primary LanguagePerlMIT LicenseMIT

Script for VersionNum management


The vmanage script is intended to be used with RISC OS sources in order to maintain a standardised task-based version numbering system. This script is intended to be used on RISC OS and POSIX-like systems, but has only been tested on OSX.

More information about the use of the tool can be found with vmanage -help.

Example usage

Initialise the VersionNum file with a default version number:

prompt> cd ComponentDirectory
prompt> vmanage init
<the VersionNum file will be created with the version 0.00>

Initialise the VersionNum file with a specific version number:

prompt> cd ComponentDirectory
prompt> vmanage init -version <x.yy>
<the VersionNum files will be created with the specified version>

Increment the VersionNum file:

prompt> cd ComponentDirectory
prompt> vmanage inc
<the VersionNum files will have their version incremented and dates updated>

Set the version in the VersionNum file to a specific value:

prompt> cd ComponentDirectory
prompt> vmanage set <x.yy>
<the VersionNum files will have their version set and dates updated>

Update the date stamp in the VersionNum file:

prompt> cd ComponentDirectory
prompt> vmanage update
<the VersionNum files will all be updated with the current date and version>

Create a VersionBas BASIC file containing the same details:

prompt> cd ComponentDirectory
prompt> touch VersionBas,ffb
prompt> vmanage update
<the VersionBas file is created and will be updated each time the version is changed>

Create a VersionAsm assembler header containing the same details:

prompt> cd ComponentDirectory
prompt> touch VersionAsm
prompt> vmanage update
<the VersionAsm file is created and will be updated each time the version is changed>

Use with CMHG/CMunge

The CMHG and CMunge tools have the ability to preprocess their content. This allows the header to include the VersionNum files and use its values. To make the tools apply the pre-processor, specify the -p option on their command line.

A simple command invocation might look like this:

cmhg -p -o o.mymodule cmhg.mymodule

In a Makefile this might look like this:

CMHGflags = -depend !Depend -throwback -p

.cmhg.o:;    cmhg $(cmhgflags) -o $@ $<

The CMHG file itself would contain an include and help-string definition thus:

#include "VersionNum"

help-string:  OmniDisc Module_MajorVersion_CMHG Module_MinorVersion_CMHG

In a C file you might include the version string in your help message, something like this:

#include "VersionNum"

void print_version(void)
    printf("MyTool " Module_FullVersionAndDate " (C) Future Gadget Labs\n");