
ZZ Inc. KeyMouse 3.08 (Windows) Unauthenticated Update Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

Usage: python3

Details in the report at

Steps to reproduce

  1. Install KeyMouse Windows 3.08;
  2. Set spoof to our attacker ip;
    • For the proof-of-concept it is easiest to edit c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts on the target.
      • Attackers may e.g. use:
        • poorly configured routers/switches/DNS
        • DNS cache poisoning
        • ARP cache poisoning
  3. Compile proof.c on the attacker, e.g. using i686-w64-mingw32-gcc proof.c -o proof.exe;
#include <windows.h>
int main(int argc, char const *argv[]){	
	return TRUE;
  1. Run the proof-of-concept script on the attacker;
  2. Start KeyMouse on the target and trigger an update:
    • Application Menu: Help -> Check For Updates
    • Task Bar: right mouse button on task bar icon -> Check Updates (or Install Updates)
  3. Continue with the update.

As a result, proof.exe is executed in the context of the Administrator user at high integrity.