
Caphyon Ltd Advanced Installer 19.3 "CustomDetection" Update Check Remote Code Execution Vulnerability.

Usage: python3

Details in the report at

Steps to reproduce

For other affected products, you have to change the update server and update configuration filename. These can often be found in the updater .ini in the application installation directory.

  1. Install Advanced Installer 19.3;
  2. Set spoof to our attacker ip;
    • For the proof of concept it is easiest to edit c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts on the target.
      • Attackers may e.g. use:
        • poorly configured routers/switches/DNS
        • DNS spoof / cache poisoning
        • ARP spoof / cache poisoning
  3. Generate self-signed certificates;
    • e.g. using openssl req -new -x509 -keyout -out -days 365 -nodes -subj "/"
  4. Run the proof of concept script on the attacker;
  5. Start Advanced Installer to trigger update automatically, or
    • wait for 2 days to trigger update automatically, or
    • trigger update manually through the application menu/settings, or
    • trigger update manually by starting the update application at C:\Program Files (x86)\Caphyon\Advanced Installer 19.3\bin\x86\updater.exe;
  6. Proceed with the Windows untrusted certificate security alert (if applicable).

As a result, the binary specified in CustomDetection with parameters specified in CustomDetectionParameters is executed in the context of the current user.