
LockPy is a Python-based file encryption tool that provides a secure and straightforward way to encrypt your files using strong cryptographic algorithms.

Primary LanguagePython


LockPy is a Python-based file encryption tool that provides a secure and straightforward way to encrypt your files using strong cryptographic algorithms. This tool allows you to protect your sensitive data by encrypting it with a randomly generated encryption key.


  • Easy-to-use command-line interface
  • Strong encryption using the cryptography library
  • Ability to encrypt files with various extensions
  • Securely overwrite the original files with encrypted versions


  • Python 3.6 or higher
  • cryptography library


  1. Clone the LockPy repository to your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/gerryauditya6/LockPy.git
  1. Navigate to the LockPy directory:
cd LockPy
  1. Install the required dependencies:
pip install cryptography



  1. Navigate to the LockPy directory.
  2. Open the encryption_script.py file in a text editor.
  3. Locate the following lines:
directory_to_encrypt = 'C:/path/to/your/directory'
target_extensions = ['.txt', '.pdf', '.csv', '.docx', '.mp4']
key_file_path = 'encryption_key.key'
  1. Change the 'C:/path/to/your/directory' to the full path of the directory you want to encrypt. This directory should contain the files you want to encrypt.
  2. Specify the target file extensions to encrypt (e.g., ['.txt', '.docx', '.csv'])
  3. Change 'encryption_key.key' to the desired file path where you want to save the encryption key. This is the file that will store the encryption key used to decrypt the files later.

Note: Ensure you provide the correct directory path, file extension, and key file path.

  1. Save the changes and close the file.
  2. Run the encryption script:
python encryption_script.py
  1. The script will encrypt the specified file using a randomly generated encryption key. The original file will be securely overwritten with the encrypted version.


  1. Navigate to the LockPy directory.
  2. Open the decryption_script.py file in a text editor.
  3. Locate the following lines:
directory_to_decrypt = 'C:/path/to/your/directory'
target_extension = ['.txt', '.pdf', '.csv', '.docx', '.mp4']
key_file_path = 'encryption_key.key'
  1. Change the 'C:/path/to/your/directory' to the full path of the directory you want to decrypt. This directory should contain the files you want to decrypt.
  2. Specify the target file extensions to decrypt (e.g., ['.txt', '.docx', '.csv'])
  3. Change 'encryption_key.key' to the file path where the encryption key is stored. This should match the key_file_path value used during encryption.

Note: Ensure you provide the correct directory path, file extension, and key file path.

  1. Save the changes and close the file.
  2. Run the decryption script:
python decryption_script.py
  1. The script will decrypt the specified file using the encryption key associated with it. The original encrypted file will be securely overwritten with the decrypted version.

Specifying Key File Path

By default, the encryption key will be saved to a file named encryption_key.key in the same directory as the script. If you want to specify a different file path for the encryption key, you can modify the key_file_path variable in both the encryption_script.py and decryption_script.py files.

Security Note

Make sure to securely store and backup the encryption key. Without the key, it will be impossible to decrypt the files.


Contributions are welcome! If you have any ideas, suggestions, or bug reports, please open an issue or submit a pull request.