
Made by @gerrysousa

Setup Project


  • Step 1: Install the Java Development Kit (JDK)

  • Step 2: Set Up Java Environment Variable Path

    • (% JAVA_HOME% \ bin ou C: Progam Files \ Java \ jdk1.8.0_45 \ bin)
    • Check if configuration is correct running the follow command in terminal:
    • $java -version
  • Step 3: Install Android SDK / ADB on Windows

  • Step 4: Install Android SDK Packages in Android Studio

  • Step 5: Set up Android Environment Variable and Path

    • Environment Variable : "ANDROID_HOME" = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk"
    • Path: %ANDROID_HOME%\platform-tools
    • Path: %ANDROID_HOME%\tools
    • Path: %ANDROID_HOME%\tools\bin
  • Step 6: Download and Install NodeJs

    • Download Node JS
    • Install the Appium service using the npm command.
    • $npm install -g appium
  • Step 7: Install Microsoft .net Framework

  • Step 8: Download And Install Appium Desktop Client

  • Step 9: Enabling Developer Mode Options on Android Phone or Tablet

  • Step 10: Install your IDE And Set up a Project

  • Step 11: Download Maven Dependencies

    • Inside path project run the command: $mvn clean
  • Step 12: Running Appium Tests

    • Run Appium Desktop
    • Click "Start Server v1.18.0" on Appium Desktop
    • Run Android Emulator
    • On IDE, run test as testng tests.

  • Expect mobile Screens on Appium Desktop
    • Click button "Start Inspector Session" on Appium Desktop
    • Fill in capabilities
      • "platformName": "android",
      • "deviceName": "Teste",
      • "platform": "android",
      • "app": "C:\caminho\para\o\App\app-debug.apk",
      • "AutomationName": "UiAutomator2",
      • "udid": "emulator-5554"
    • Click button "Start Session". Appium must install and run "app-debug.apk" in emulador/device informed "UDID"
  • Obs: The emulator must be running, or the device must be conected on usb port that Appium Desktop is running.

Sample config to Appium server install the apk in a device:

  "platformName": "android",
  "deviceName": "Teste",
  "platform": "android",
  "app": "C:\caminho\para\o\App\app-debug.apk",
  "AutomationName": "UiAutomator2",
  "udid": "emulator-5554"
  • Expect mobile Screens Android uiautomatorviewer
  • In the android sdk folder "C:\Program Files\Android\android-sdk\tools\bin" execute "uiautomatorviewer.bat" file

Useful Commands:

  • List Adb devices , to catch device UDID:
$adb devices
Result: emulator-5554   device
  • List Emulators, to catch device names:
$emulator -list-avds
Result: Pixel_3a_API_28
  • Install Appium Service on Node. $npm install -g appium

  • Tests execution on Device Farms:

    • Modify some parameter on "" file on root path project: env=remote ,, and run the follow command:

$mvn test "-DsuiteXmlFile=src/main/java/tests/xml/LoginTests.xml"

  • Running Tests parallel execution on Device Farms:

$mvn test "-DsuiteXmlFile=src/main/java/tests/xml/ParallelTests.xml"

Upload app to BrowserStack:

curl -u "bt_user:bt_Key" -X POST "" -F "file=@path/to/app.apk" -F "custom_id=AppNameOptional"

Response example:

	"app_url": "bs://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
	"custom_id": "AppNameOptional",
	"shareable_id": "bt_user/AppNameOptional"

Made by @gerrysousa