
Session-typed flight service

Primary LanguageElixir


Flight service in Elixir using Duffel API, where the interactions are session-typed using ElixitST.

The flight service module is structured as follows where a client communicates (via a gateway) to an external third party server.

The client process is statically verified with respect to the session type $S_{client}$ using the ElixirST tool.

Running the example

Open the Elixir shell and compile the example as follows.

iex -S mix

Execute example directly by running FlightClient.main or spawn a client and gateway process manually using the ElixirST.spawn/4 function:

  ["MLA", "CDG", "2022-11-24", :economy, 2], 


Obtain a Duffel API key from duffel.com and create a file called dev.secret.exs in the config folder contain the following:

use Mix.Config

config :flight_service,
  duffel_access_token: "duffel_test_secret_key..."


This project is licenced under the GPL-3.0 licence.