This repository contains code written for the EMPIR 17IND12 project Met4FoF with a focus on task 2.3 which concerns the analysis of data of redundant measurements.
A (stub for a) website dedicated to the Met4FoF-redundancy package can be found at
The main documentation can be found at ReadTheDocs. The status result of the automatically generated documentation:
Some tests are automatically be performed at each commit using CircleCI. The status result of this automatic testing is:
The quality of the code as analyzed by is:
The code coverage of the test suite as analyzed by is:
This work has been performed in the EMPIR 17IND12 project “Metrology for the Factory of the Future” ( This project has received funding from the EMPIR programme co-financed by the Participating States and from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.