
Create and render tables using TableBundle

Primary LanguagePHP



In order of importance.

  1. [DONE] Sorting
  2. Handling joins with PropelTableBuilder
  3. [DONE] Filter (This is not directly related to TableBundle)
  4. [DONE] Table types
  5. [DONE] Column extensions
  6. Hiding and showing columns
  7. Multiselect
  8. Batch actions
  9. Editable

Column Types




  • show_date: boolean
  • show_time: boolean


Parameters: none



  • foreign_table: TableMap of the foreign table



  • actions:
    • icon
    • title
    • route
    • disabled
    • enabled_if

ActionColumns example:

    array('action_name' => array(
        'icon' => 'icon.png', // default: same as 'action_name'
        'title' => 'Edit',    // default: ucfirst('action_name')
        'route' => ...,       // see LinkColumnExtension route
        'disabled' => true    // default: false
    ), 'next_action' => array(...);

Column Extensions



  • route: array("your_route_name", array('id' => PersoonPeer::ID), array('fixed_param' => 'somevalue'))

ColumnHeader types


If you create multiple tables in one action that are supposed to be sorted, you'll have to specify the sorter's session key.

$builder->add('Foo', 'text', 'sortable', array(
    'header/sorter_namespace' => 'key'

If you use the PropelTableBuilder, you can set the sorter key using the setSorterNamespace method.


A very simple interface to do stuff with Propel's \ModelCriteria. Multisort \ModelCriteria based on request and session parameters.

Let's say you have a page that displays a simple list of Foo's.

 * @Route("foo/list", name="foo_list")
public function listAction
    $foos = FooQuery::create();

Now you want the user to be able to sort these Foo's. You also want to save these sorting settings in the session so that when the user leaves the page and returns, the same sorting settings are still intact.

This is where ModelCriteriaSorter comes in.

$sorter = new ModelCriteriaSorter($this->container);
$foos = $sorter->execute($foos);

You can specify the session key, if none given, ModelCriteriaSorter will create a default one.

$sorter->execute($foos, 'sorter/special_key');

Now you can send POST and GET request to the listAction to sort your Foo's. ModelCriteriaSorter will look for following parameters:

  • asc $generator->generate('foo_list', array('asc' => FooPeer::ID))
  • desc $generator->generate('foo_list', array('desc' => FooPeer::ID))
  • unsort $generator->generate('foo_list', array('unsort' => FooPeer::ID))

Using multiple tables on one page

Using multiple tables on one page becomes a problem when they contain sortable columns and pagers. In this case, you can namespace your table using the TacticsTableBuilder.

// Assuming you are in a controller that extends from TacticsController.

$builder = $this->createTableBuilder(new BazTableType(), array(
   'namespace' => 'foo/baz'

$builder2 = $this->createTableBuilder(new BarTableType(), array(
   'namespace' => 'foo/bar'

Rendering a pagerfanta that makes use of the namespace is troublesome, you'll have to pass the builder instances to your template.

   return $this->render('FooBundle:Foo:show.html.twig', array(
      'builder'  => $builder,
      'builder2' => $builder2

And render the pager using the pager_widget twig function instead of the pagerfanta twig function.

   {{ pager_widget(builder) }}

Setting default values in the filter (v1.0.17 and up)

You can add some default filter values when creating the filter like so:

$this->createFilter(new myFiltertype(), $myDefaultValues);

$myDefaultValues should be an array with keys = form field names. will only be set if there is no filter in the session and no filter is posted yet.