Generating UDRs for Azure vNets & subnets in order to pass the traffic from Hub vNet NetworkVirtualAppliance (firewall) in a Hub & Spoke topology.
The Network Topology should be inserted into CSV file (default: data.csv), with fields: "name,location,cidr,type"
prints and generates the UDRs that should be implemented in Azure.
- UDRs for every Hub subnet with routes to other Hub-subnets and Spoke-vNets.
- UDRs for every Spoke-vNet, with routes pointing to other vNets (no intersubnet routing inside the Spokes).
- generates terraform file with RouteTables (UDRs) in tf_files dir, in order to be implemented in an IaC solution.
will also do the necessary changes on the Azure subscription. still work in progress because python azure-sdk documentation is too convoluted.
Only with gateway IP, it will use data.csv and file:
python3 -g <GATEWAY_IP>
With csv & tf files specified:
python3 -g <GATEWAY_IP> -f <CSV_FILE>
python3 -g <GATEWAY_IP> -f <CSV_FILE> -tf <TERRAFORM_FILE>