iDoneThis API, command line client

This is a legacy tool. It was suing the iDoneThis v1 Api but this one has been replaced without backward compatbility

A simple iDoneThis command line client that can list and post dones.

The client is written in Scala and serves as a quick example on how one could use the iDoneThis API. It is not packaged as distributable. You may compile the sources to use it.


On first usage the client will ask for your DoneThis API token.

list [from team-name]

List your dones for a given team. When omitted the default team is used (see default team).

$ list from my-team

// Display dones from team 'my-team'

$ list

// Display dones from your default team

add [in team-name] done description

Add a done into the given team. When the team is omitted the default team is used (see default team).

$ add in my-team Playing with iDoneThis API

// Add the done 'Playing with iDoneThis API' into the team 'my-team'

$ add Playing with iDoneThis API

// Add the done 'Playing with iDoneThis API' into your default team.

Default team

At this time, the default team is the first one where 'is_personal' is true